Spring in Melbourne to a lot of people means one thing…the Spring Racing Carnival!! Unfortunately, for a lot of women, and some men, it also means sore feet due to long days standing by the track. So to help you prepare for the races this year we have compiled our top 5 tips that will ensure you last the season:

1. Choose the right shoes: For women, stilettos are not your friend at the best of times but particularly not at the race track. It’s inevitable they will get stuck in the grass and you will be forever trying to not fall over. Instead look for a wedge or stacked heel which will spread the pressure more evenly across your foot. For extra points, look for a shoe with a strap, buckle or ankle tie-this will reduce the work the muscles of your feet need to do to avoid your foot slipping out of the shoe, and round or open-toed styles will cause less rubbing on your toes.

For men, a leather, lace-up shoe with some internal cushioning and support is ideal. Ensuring the toe-box, the part that covers your toes, is wide enough to accommodate your feet will also go along way to keeping you comfortable.

2. Wear your shoes in: Whilst you can’t replicate what will happen in it’s entirety on race day you should wear your race-day shoes for a period beforehand even if just around the house. This will allow the shoes to stretch (BUT remember patent leather WON’T stretch) and enable you to recognise any ‘hot spots’ that may give you trouble on the day.

3. Prepare your feet and legs: Any troublesome toe-nails, blisters or corns/callouses should be managed by a podiatrist before the day. Having your feet well maintained will help to keep you comfortable, whilst the podiatrist will be able to give you some tips on what to do if you get a dreaded blister. It is also important to prepare your feet and legs for a long day of standing by stretching your calves and massaging your calves/arches-this should also be done after the event to aid in your recovery.

4. Pack an emergency kit: Despite your best efforts you may still get some rubbing, cuts or blisters so it is wise to have some emergency supplies ready. Compeed or Duoderm blister dressings and Band-Aids will reduce some of the pain from rubbing on your toes and heels, whilst some gel padding for the balls of your feet may help with the aching/burning you may get in your toes.

5. Think about the end of the day: Finally, we’ve all seen it… the ladies who can’t bear to wear their heels anymore so they resort to walking to the station or car barefoot… PLEASE DON’T!! You are placing yourself at risk of serious injury from broken glass and other foreign bodies so chuck a pair of ballet flats or thongs in your clutch to wear home at the end of the day… Your dignity will thank you.

For more advice or to have your feet cared for before the big day call the clinic on 9480-5522 to book an appointment.

We also stock Spikey Balls, Heel Balm and Archies Thongs, all great products that will keep your feet healthy this Spring Carnival!!

by Mark Whiteside